Friday, 7 August 2015

Unconventional Beauty

I see a lot of pictures of good food and strategically placed items and it seems like this era of aesthetically pleasing but predictable pictures isn't going to end anytime soon, but you can't live your life on Instagram and those pictures certainly aren't indicative of the real world. I suppose what I'm saying is that it's so easy to look at these snippets from people's lives and become dissatisfied with our own, but if you take a minute to look around you it becomes so clear that there are ordinary, unspectacular, beautiful sights everywhere.

 I took this picture after walking through a wood and across a beach and coming to a staircase, I walked to the top and took this, which might seem odd considering the beauty I'd just passed but I found something almost romantic about how this boring, ugly concrete structure juxtaposed with the nature all around me. I know this wouldn't go viral and people wouldn't be clambering to praise the beauty of it but that's life, and isn't it wonderful to think that things you've seen and thought and found can remain yours, locked up inside your mind, without need for approval.
So the next time you see something dull, like a pavement or brick wall, just look for the signs of nature like a plant pushing its' way through and remember that life is so much bigger than we think, and we only have a certain amount of time to appreciate it.

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