Friday, 22 May 2015

Coping with anxiety

How do you even begin to put into words how to deal with something that you don't understand yourself? Anxiety, depression, they creep up on you and steal things that you thought were infinitely yours, your confidence, your happiness, it feels like they've even stolen your mind. I am not a doctor or therapist, I have no idea of the most effective way to heal your mind but I know that the mind, just like anything else, can be damaged and being told to 'just get out and do things' really isn't helpful. I am not 'cured' if there is such a thing, but I am closer than I was a year ago, something I am trying to focus on.

I don't really know where I'm going with this, I don't want to focus on these hellish afflictions any more than I have to but if I would like to offer up a few things that have been particularly prominent in my recovery. Firstly, be selfish, no-one is going to think badly of you for taking care of yourself, and quite frankly it doesn't matter if they do, you're the one who has to live with yourself. Secondly, always remember one very important thing, keep going, even when you feel like there's no point, nothing left, just stay alive. Thirdly, I find that getting out of the house, whilst sounding easy enough yet being entirely the opposite, really is the best therapy. Going to the local park with your mum and your dog, staying in the car while your parents shop, doing all these things until you get to a point where you absolutely can't bear it anymore is what pushes you the most. Never say, I'm too tired today, you will always be tired, you have to start now.

There is beauty out there, you just have to find it.

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